- Order number: 66111
***The colour red is remaining stock only and won't be continued after sell-off!***
New! for 2011 the Expressions are set to become the ultimate modern classic in the touring boat market. The Expression is the culmination of an 18 month project to design the most appealing, best performing and sporty day touring kayak on the water... in two sizes. Graceful and stylish lines immediately catch your eye and its not just the looks that are stunning. The handling offers all the performance you demand for trips and true control in any conditions, whilst the Zone DLX outfitting and two size options provide optimum comfort with an outstanding fit. The smooth, sleek and predictable nature is perfect for touring on coastal waters, estuaries, lakes and rivers. It handles chop with ease and revels in the chance to play the surf back to shore. The spring loaded TruTrack skeg is quickly available to assist you when the wind or currents are unkind. The Expression 15 has a touch more length and volume than the Expression 14. This gives more space and forgiveness for average to large paddlers and carries heavier loads without compromising on its handling abilities.
Expression 14- Length: 4.42m Width: 59cm Weight: 24kg Max Capacity: 130kg
Expression 15 - Length: 4.56m Width: 61cm Weight: 25kg Max Capacity:140kg
Spezielle Sicherheitshinweise für den Gebrauch von Kanus und Kajaks
- Das Produkt ist für den menschlichen Antrieb durch Körperkraft vorgesehen.
- Vor Fahrtantritt solltest du deine Ausrüstung auf einwandfreie Funktion und Vollständigkeit überprüfen. Vergewissere dich auf festen Sitz aller Schrauben bei abgeschotteten Booten auf Dichtigkeit. Wenn eine Steueranlage/Skeganlage verbaut ist, überprüfe diese auf ordnungsgemäße Funktion. Überprüfe die Bootsschale auf Beschädigung.
- Markiere Dein Boot und wichtige Ausrüstungsteile mit Deinem Namen und Kontaktmöglichkeit, damit das Material Dir zugeordnet werden kann.
- Rüste dein Boot mit den passenden Auftriebskörpern aus. Damit bewahrst du dein Boot nicht nur vor dem Untergang, sondern du kannst dich im Falle einer Kenterung auch daran festhalten, bis Hilfe kommt. Bei Booten mit abgeschotteten Stauräumen oder herstellerseitig unsinkbaren Booten ist eine Aufrüstung nicht unbedingt notwendig. Die Stauräume dienen als Auftriebskörper, wenn sie ordnungsgemäß verschlossen sind.
- Kajaks und Kanus können sperrig und schwer bzw. unhandlich sein - lass dir beim Laden und Tragen von einer zweiten Person helfen und/oder nutze Ladehilfen und einen Bootswagen.
- Beim Transport ist der Fahrzeugführer für die Ladungssicherheit verantwortlich. Verwende nur zugelassene Transportmittel unter Beachtung der StVO.
- Befestige niemals eine Person, ein Tier oder andere Gegenstände mit Seilen am Kanu/Kajak.
WARNUNG! LEBENS- UND UNFALLGEFAHR! Gefahren durch Kleinstteile und Verpackung Erstickungsgefahr Lebensgefahr durch Ersticken oder Verschlucken Kleinteile, Zubehör für Kinder unzugänglich verwahren
- Plastiktüten und Verpackung für Kinder unzugänglich verwahren/entsorgen
- Kleinteile, Leinen, Gurte und Verpackungen nicht in Kinderhände geben.
- Halte Kinder stets vom Produkt fern. Das Produkt ist kein Spielzeug.
- WARNUNG! LEBENS- UND UNFALLGEFAHR! Bei Sturz ins Wasser Ertrinkungsgefahr. Rettungsweste oder Schwimmhilfe tragen empfohlen
- Verwende das Produkt nicht, wenn es Beschädigungen aufweist.
- Alle Teile auf sachgerechte Montage kontrollieren. Bei unsachgemäßer Montage besteht Verletzungsgefahr.
- Produkt ausschließlich für den vorgesehenen Einsatzzweck verwenden.
Gaybo Limited
Bellbrook Business Park, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1 QQ, GB
Vereinigtes Königreich
EU Vertretung des Herstellers:
Lettmann GmbH
Franz-Haniel-Str. 53
D-47443 Moers
Special safety instructions for the use of canoes and kayaks
- The product is designed to be driven by human power.
- Before setting off, you should check that your equipment is in perfect working order and complete. Ensure that all bolts are tight in the case of sealed boats. If a steering system/skeg system is installed, check that it is working properly. Check the boat hull for damage.
- Mark your boat and important pieces of equipment with your name and contact details so that the material can be assigned to you.
- Equip your boat with the appropriate buoyancy aids. This will not only prevent your boat from sinking, but you can also hold on to it in the event of capsizing until help arrives. Boats with sealed storage compartments or boats that are unsinkable by the manufacturer do not necessarily need to be upgraded. The storage compartments act as buoyancy aids if they are properly closed.
- Kayaks and canoes can be bulky and heavy or unwieldy - get a second person to help you load and carry them and/or use loading aids and a boat trolley.
- The driver of the vehicle is responsible for load safety during transport. Only use authorised means of transport in compliance with the road traffic regulations.
- Never attach a person, an animal or other objects to the canoe/kayak with ropes.
- Danger from small parts and packaging danger to life from choking or swallowing.
- Keep small parts and accessories out of the reach of children.
- Store/dispose of plastic bags and packaging out of the reach of children.
- Keep small parts, lines, straps and packaging out of the reach of children.
- Keep children away from the product at all times. The product is not a toy.
- WARNING! RISK OF DEATH AND ACCIDENT! Risk of drowning if you fall into the water. We recommend wearing a life jacket or buoyancy aid
- Do not use the product if it is damaged
- Check all parts for correct assembly. Risk of injury due to incorrect assembly.
- Only use the product for its intended purpose
Manufacturer Information:
Gaybo Limited
Bellbrook Business Park, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1 QQ, GB
United Kingdom
EU representative of the manufacturer:
Lettmann GmbH
Franz-Haniel-Str. 53
D-47443 Moers
Special safety instructions for the use of canoes and kayaks
- The product is designed to be driven by human power.
- Before setting off, you should check that your equipment is in perfect working order and complete. Ensure that all bolts are tight in the case of sealed boats. If a steering system/skeg system is installed, check that it is working properly. Check the boat hull for damage.
- Mark your boat and important pieces of equipment with your name and contact details so that the material can be assigned to you.
- Equip your boat with the appropriate buoyancy aids. This will not only prevent your boat from sinking, but you can also hold on to it in the event of capsizing until help arrives. Boats with sealed storage compartments or boats that are unsinkable by the manufacturer do not necessarily need to be upgraded. The storage compartments act as buoyancy aids if they are properly closed.
- Kayaks and canoes can be bulky and heavy or unwieldy - get a second person to help you load and carry them and/or use loading aids and a boat trolley.
- The driver of the vehicle is responsible for load safety during transport. Only use authorised means of transport in compliance with the road traffic regulations.
- Never attach a person, an animal or other objects to the canoe/kayak with ropes.
- Danger from small parts and packaging danger to life from choking or swallowing.
- Keep small parts and accessories out of the reach of children.
- Store/dispose of plastic bags and packaging out of the reach of children.
- Keep small parts, lines, straps and packaging out of the reach of children.
- Keep children away from the product at all times. The product is not a toy.
- WARNING! RISK OF DEATH AND ACCIDENT! Risk of drowning if you fall into the water. We recommend wearing a life jacket or buoyancy aid
- Do not use the product if it is damaged
- Check all parts for correct assembly. Risk of injury due to incorrect assembly.
- Only use the product for its intended purpose
Manufacturer Information:
Gaybo Limited
Bellbrook Business Park, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1 QQ, GB
United Kingdom
EU representative of the manufacturer:
Lettmann GmbH
Franz-Haniel-Str. 53
D-47443 Moers